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How To Measure Signal Strength In Decibels On Your Cell Phone?

Why Signal Strength Is Measured In Decibels? Before we get into the extraneous details of how you can measure the signal strength in decibels on your mobile phone, let us break this topic down into simpler terms and understand what it means. Let us first start by...
Difference Between 4G and LTE

Difference Between 4G and LTE

What Is 4G? Before getting into the lucid details of what is the difference between 4G and LTE, we will try to first understand what these individual terms mean and how they are interlinked. Let us first try to understand the name “4G”. The “G” in 4G stands for...

How can I increase my phone signal strength? 8 Ways

Have you also noticed that sometimes when you are casually using your mobile phone, your service starts to drop its speed considerably? So in case you are also wondering “why is my service so slow?”, this article might just be the one thing that you really need. Keep...